Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jacksonville Must Eats?

It occurs to me that there are still First Coast food classics that I haven't tried yet. Is there a particular Jax classic I should have eaten? Leave your comments on what you think is a must eat.

With a sense of shame I'll admit that I have still not tried the legendary Peruvian Sub at Angie's, despite being in a play that rehearsed within waking distance. (I did try, but it was closed all three times I darkened their doorstep).

What I'm hoping for is a discussion here about the things I should be trying in order to spur me into action.

Most of the things that took me a long time to try are in restaurants that only open for breakfast and lunch. The Fox, which people rave about, I have only been to twice. Metro Diner, never.

That's because I keep the hours of a hungry vampire and rarely show my face when the sun is in full force.

Rave about a particular dish and I'll endeavor to devour it and blog poetically about it here!


Laura E said...

- The George at Whiteway Deli
- Veggie Rider at The Goal Post
- Anything fried at Whitey's Fish Camp


Epicurean Jax said...

The veggie rider at the Goal Post is something I must try then...Whiteway and Whitey's have already been checked off the list.

Awesome! Way to start the list Laura E!

Epicurean Jax said...

I HAVE been to some of these places. But there's always something a person hasn't tried. Unfortunately, I don't have an endless supply of cash to eat out all the time. And, to be fair, I have actually been to the majority of places you've mentioned and eaten the specific items you've talked about.

I might try Ragland's again, based on your recommendation. I was not too impressed and I went there twice. I also don't consider them a classic because they haven't been around that long.

So the list for me thus far is:

The Metro Diner, Veggie Rider at The Goal Post and of course, Angie's

Dave said...

The Lemongrass Chicken Curry at Saigon Bistro is great. Also, the pho and a cup of bubble tea at P.K. noodles on beach. Finally, the soft shell crab rolls at Chizu.

Epicurean Jax said...

I've never been a fan of bubble tea anywhere. The texture just freaks me. Still, it might be time to try again, in the interests of Science...